Intellitrack Check In-Out
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IntelleTrack Check In-Out tracking software provides an efficient and cost-effective method to track circulating assets and consumable inventory within a company or department by utilizing mobile computers, such as PDAs or PDTs, to scan barcodes.
IntelliTrack Check In-Out collects and stores user IDs, both consumable and circulating items, locations, and quantities. In addition, Check In-Out completes routine physical inventories, manages a perpetual inventory and tracks items checked out by employees and/or customers.
Please call 800-585-9030 or send us an email for more information.
For larger organizations, IntelliTrack DMS-SQL combines barcode and RFID data collection with a high-speed, high-capacity network database for processing more transactions, and storing more data objects.
For enterprises with multiple sites, IntelliTrack DMS-SQL with NetSync provides remote database synchronization over a wide area network. Each site can process transactions, which are then stored in a centralized database.
Wireless technology can measurably improve worker productivity and results in positive impacts on time, schedules and quality.
Includes source code for the workstation application.
Users can create custom reports, forms, and queries with Access 2002/XP.
Point and scan to issue, receive, and conduct an inventory.
Know exactly when an item was checked out, moved, inventoried, or added.
Scan a person's badge and the items you want to check in or out.
You will know who has control of an item and when and where it has been. It helps to track down those hard to find or missing items.
Imports or exports ASCII or text data for shared use with other software systems.
See who has an item, know if it is past due. Find usage by department and person.
Lets you pre-check all of the data prior to updating the main database, ensuring data integrity.
Lets you deploy the database on a server and access it remotely from a LAN.
You can manage an unlimited number of items in unlimited sites and locations.