GO Zebra TradeIN

Today’s challenges are often too great for the technology of yesterday. Today, your front line performance depends greatly on technology. Outdated technology isn’t made for the complexity, errors, or delays that technology now faces. To boost productivity, you likely need an upgrade. GO Zebra Trade-In is the program for you. 

GO Zebra Trade-In offers you a rebate for your old units as you upgrade. You purchase eligible productions and trade in an old unit and Zebra offers you a rebate between $50 to $600. 


Eligible Products Include:

Scanners: Exchange qualified scanners for next-generation, productivity regenerators that push the edge of what’s possible.

Mobile Computers: Rebates of up to $250 are available on more than 15 of our industry-leading mobile computers.

Printers:  You can receive a rebate of up to $600 on more than 35 of Zebra's powerful printers.

Zebra OneCare: Rebates can increase by up to $50 when Zebra OneCare is sold alongside an eligible printer. 

Batteries: You receive a rebate of $10 for new Zebra batteries when they trade in an old, mobile-printer battery—including select competitor's models.


For More Information Regarding Eligible Products:


GO Zebra Quick Guide

GO Zebra Brochure