Intellitrack Fixed Assets
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IntelliTrack Fixed Assets tracking software provides an efficient, cost-effective method to track fixed asset inventories of capital equipment, computers and furniture, and to calculate depreciation.
With an easy-to-use handheld portable data assistant (PDA) or portable data terminals (PDTs) with barcode scanner, IntelliTrack Fixed Assets allows the user to label each asset with a unique bar code, and track over thirty descriptors, including serial number, cost, purchase date, and date received.
Please call 800-585-9030 or send us an email for more information.
Users can create custom reports, forms, and queries with Access 2002/XP.
There is almost no limit as to how you can describe and track items.
Point and scan to conduct an inventory or move assets.
Know exactly when an item was purchased, inventoried, or added.
You will know the exactly what you have and where it is located. the
You will know who has control of an item and when and where it has been. It helps to track down those hard to find or missing items.
Print item, location, and custom bar code labels
Imports or exports ASCII or text data for shared use with other software systems.
Five kinds of depreciation are supported, including straight line depreciation.
See the status of any asset. View an asset's history. Look at assets by location and much more.
Find out what is missing, has been moved, is new, and what has been found.
Lets you pre-check all of the data prior to updating the main database, ensuring data integrity.
User names and passwords allow you to restrict a user to "view only" access, or five other levels of access.
Lets you deploy the database on a server and access it remotely from a LAN.
Helps to maintain consistent data and data integrity.
Simple and straightforward help on-line.
You can manage an unlimited number of items in unlimited sites and locations.